Thursday, October 30, 2014

Interview with Mom-to-be

When did you know you wanted to be a mother?
Before I can remember I have always wanted to be a mother.

What was your first thought when you found out you were having a baby?
Nothing articulate.  Pure joy and sudden terror

How did you tell Brian?
We had been trying for a while and he knew when I'd be testing.  I woke up at around 4:30am because I couldn't take it anymore.  When I came back in the room I whispered,  "it's positive" then jumped on him and said "you're going to be a daddy"

What part of parenthood are you looking forward to the most?
The little things. 

What's something that scares you about being a parent?
Everything.  But mostly not being a good enough example 

If you had to pick a theme song for your child, what would it be?
Defying Gravity

Does your baby have a name, and if so, will you tell us what it is?
She does, and some people know it,  but it won't really be official until she's born so we're  not really announcing it.

What do you think Brian is looking forward to the most about being a dad?
He might disagree with me, but I think being able to give himself fully to someone who is literally part of him. 

Years from now, what's something (besides your daughter) that will always remind you of this pregnancy?
Honestly, NYC hotdog smells will always remind me of being pregnant. Hopefully, once we move away from here I will never have to smell that ever again.

Have any questions for your friends about motherhood?
I would love to hear favorite memories of motherhood. I will get so much advice from people I don't even know, so I would love to have something different. 


  1. Lovely. My favorite memories of motherhood are, believe it or not, when something completely insane happened and I was able to keep my cool and take care of things. Like during sleepless newborn nights or potty training or all kids having the stomach flu at the same time or someone punching their fist through a glass window and needing to go to the emergency room. Those are time when I realize I was born with maternal instincts and I can do hard things. Also, they remind me that motherhood is grosser than gross.

  2. Favorite Memories. Actually I think my favorite things are when the kids start to talk and it is so fun to try to guess what they are saying. Also, when they get hurt, they ask for their mom and you are able to calm them more than anyone else can. I loved the milestones...learning to roll over, learning to crawl, learning to walk. One time, someone asked Bradley why he loved his mom and he said, "Because she plays video games with me." Remember, you don't know what will bring joy to your child, so just love them!
    Also, my all time favorite memory. Sleeping through the night the first time!
